by Tiffany Weigand | Oct 6, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, Resources, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, StrengthsFirst
We have all taken an assessment at some point in our lives – in school while evaluating career options, during an interview process, or as part of a team-building event at work. Maybe you take assessments for fun or personal development. There are literally hundreds...
by Tiffany Weigand | Sep 14, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, POISED Strategic Planning, Resources, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, Strategic Planning, StrengthsFirst, Team Building
Have you figured out how much money you are throwing at and potentially wasting concerning turnover costs? If not, revisit part one to input your variables in the formula to find out. If we can help you calculate your turnover, contact us. From cost to investment....
by Tiffany Weigand | Aug 27, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, POISED Strategic Planning, Resources, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, Strategic Planning, StrengthsFirst, Team Building
If you’re thinking “I was told there would be no math,” please keep reading and know that you can partner up with us to get an accurate cost of turnover for your organization. If analyzing the data isn’t a strength of yours, we can help clarify it for you and make it...
by Editor | Jul 28, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, POISED Strategic Planning, Schools, Senior Living, Strategic Planning
Many organizations do not have a strategic plan. The top reasons for not having a plan established include: Lack of time to develop and implementLack of or concern for financial commitmentFear or feeling of wasting time to develop something that will not yield a...
by Tiffany Weigand | Jul 1, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, POISED Strategic Planning, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, Strategic Planning
Before we dive into why strategic plans fail, I have to ask, “Does your organization even have a strategic plan?” Knowing many strategic plans fail is probably why so many organizations put off developing a plan. They hear the horror stories and decide strategic...
by Scott Gostchock | Jun 4, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, Team Building
Once you have Trust, Positive Conflict, Commitment, and Accountability, you are poised for the fifth essential of any team – Results. There are always results no matter what you do. There may be positive or negative results, but there are always results. The key...