Tired of Fighting Fires? Quit Starting Them!

We’re talking about figurative fires at work, and we know they aren’t caused intentionally, of course. Here’s how one client of ours got to the root cause of their fires and snuffed them out. The Problem: Where to Focus? In a recent planning session, our client shared...

The Best Assessment for Leadership, Part 3: CliftonStrengths vs Myers-Briggs

You may be asking yourself: “Myers-Briggs (MB) or CliftonStrengths, which one is best for me and my team(s)?” In part 3 of this blog series, we will look at how Myers-Briggs (MB) compares to CliftonStrengths. Both assessments offer a lot, but which assessment is...

The Best Assessment for Leadership, Part 2: CliftonStrengths vs Insights

You may have asked yourself questions like these as you look to grow as a leader, both personally and professionally: “Insights or CliftonStrengths, which one is for me?” “Why should I use Insights?” “Why should I use CliftonStrengths?” “Is one better than the other?”...