by Scott Gostchock | Jun 4, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, Team Building
Once you have Trust, Positive Conflict, Commitment, and Accountability, you are poised for the fifth essential of any team – Results. There are always results no matter what you do. There may be positive or negative results, but there are always results. The key...
by Tiffany Weigand | May 21, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, Team Building
Are you ultra curious about what the Cheeto bag has to do with accountability? Let us lay the foundation before we share the story. When you hear “accountability” what comes to mind? Do your thoughts go to negative ideas, such as “catching someone doing something...
by Scott Gostchock | May 6, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, Team Building
If you haven’t learned how trust and conflict are essential for a high performing team, read those first. Looking at the image above, are you like the chicken, who was involved in providing breakfast? Or, were you like the pig, committed to serving you...
by Scott Gostchock | Apr 17, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, Resources, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, StrengthsFirst, Team Building
Learn to motivate and encourage your team using their strengths from the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Catch up on part 1 highlighting traction and driving strengths, part 2 to read about seeing strengths, part 3 to learn about interpersonal strengths, and part 4 to...
by Tiffany Weigand | Apr 6, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, Resources, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, StrengthsFirst, Team Building
Learn to motivate and encourage your team using their strengths from the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Catch up on part 1 highlighting traction and driving strengths, part 2 to read about seeing strengths, and part 3 to learn about interpersonal strengths. Lifestyle...
by Tiffany Weigand | Mar 31, 2020 | Churches, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Nonprofit, Resources, Schools, Senior Leaders, Senior Living, StrengthsFirst, Team Building
Learn to motivate and encourage your team using their strengths from the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Catch up on part 1 highlighting traction and driving strengths, and part 2 to read about seeing strengths. Interpersonal strengths – ensuring the people matter The...