The right mix of strengths helps to set the foundation for a high performing team. The questions often asked are:

  • How do we best determine the current strengths on our team?
  • How can we work together to be more efficient and productive?
  • How can we effectively fill gaps where there might be missing strengths?

Your 5-Step StrengthsFirst Foundation Process

The ideal 5 step process for determining team strengths and how best to work together for optimal productivity is:

  1. Take the CliftonStrengths assessment (formerly Gallup StrengthsFinder) to unlock your 34 strengths. This requires about 45 minutes of time to complete for each team member, but provides invaluable results.
  2. Provide Partner2Learn your top 8 strengths in order. We will develop individual and team reports based upon the strengths received using our own proprietary resources.
  3. Each individual will receive a private one-on-one consultation with a Strengths coach. This professional coaching can be done in person or remotely with technology. This session allows the individual to go deep into their own strengths. They will understand themselves better and the need for others more clearly. This is our StrengthsFirst 101 session.
  4. Upon completion of every individual one-on-one professional coaching, we will work with the whole team. This team session, our StrengthsFirst 102 session, allows for each person to see everyone’s strengths in light of their own strengths and how the whole team can best work together from their collective strengths. During this session, we will discuss unique partner-up opportunities. These partner-up opportunities will exist with current members of the team as well as with potential additional members to round out the team and to increase overall engagement and productivity from every team member and for the overall organization.
  5. Our StrengthsFirst 104 session consists of quarterly follow-up meetings to help keep this process living and growing for every person and the organization. These meetings include case studies and practical applications for the team to work through to truly build a StrengthsFirst culture with support and accountability built-in.
5-Step to Build a StrenghtsFirst Foundation

Professional Coaching for Your Organization

While this professional coaching process is ideal for most of our clients, it can be modified based upon the specific needs of the organization and its circumstances such as budgetary restraints, timing, or recent turnover. Partner2Learn understands every organization is unique and partners with everyone we serve. Therefore, through discussions, exploration, and expert listening there is a way to positively bring strengths training into your organization right now and for the years to come to help ensure your team is truly a high performing team maximizing the strengths of every individual for optimal productivity.

Ready to learn more? Let’s talk.

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