Leveraging Strengths Amid Chaos and Change: Part 5, Problem Identification and Problem Solving

Learn to motivate and encourage your team using their strengths from the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Catch up on part 1 highlighting traction and driving strengths, part 2 to read about seeing strengths, part 3 to learn about interpersonal strengths, and part 4 to...

Leveraging Strengths Amid Chaos and Change: Part 4, Lifestyle and Wild Cards

Learn to motivate and encourage your team using their strengths from the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Catch up on part 1 highlighting traction and driving strengths, part 2 to read about seeing strengths, and part 3 to learn about interpersonal strengths. Lifestyle...

Leveraging Strengths Amid Chaos and Change: Part 3, Interpersonal

Learn to motivate and encourage your team using their strengths from the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Catch up on part 1 highlighting traction and driving strengths, and part 2 to read about seeing strengths. Interpersonal strengths – ensuring the people matter The...

Leveraging Strengths Amid Chaos and Change: Part 2, Seeing

If you missed part 1 highlighting traction and driving strengths, be sure to read that blog first. Seeing strengths – ensuring projects align with the mission, vision, and values The third category of strengths that Partner2Learn teaches, after Traction and Driving,...

Leveraging Strengths Amid Chaos and Change: Part 1, Traction & Driving

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog series to bring you a topic that hits just about every home today. Some of you are on the front lines of this epidemic helping the sick. Some of you are still working in supply chain to ensure our world can continue to eat and...